FSAAFM host Spitfire pilots and war veterans

On Saturday, 7th April 2018, the Friends of the South African Air Force Museum (FSAAFM), hosted the third Spitfire and War Veteran Pilots reunion at AFB Swartkop. It was an honour to host three Spitfire Pilots; Lt Gen Earp and Mrs Beth Earp, Lt Gen Muller and Col Tony Smit.

This Gathering turned out to be a very special event because three retired Chiefs of the South African Air Force attended. These were Lt Gen Denis Earp and Mrs Beth Earp, Lt Gen Mike Muller and Lt Gen Carlo Gagiano with Mrs Leonie Gagiano.

Also among the guests were Brig Gen John Bayne, Col Keith Fryer, Col Rama Iyer and Mrs Anita Iyer, Lt Col Francis Hanekom, Lt Col Clive Shepherd (an initiator of the Project), Maj Dave Potgieter and Arthur Piercy.

Brig Gen John Bayne, Col Tony Smit, Col Rama Iyer, Lt Col Clive Shepherd and Kobus Kapp, were all intimately involved in the Project, since its inception. The late Lt Gen Earp was also the Project Patron. Lt Gen Gagiano officially launched the Project on the 12th of May 2012.

In the photograph, back row, from left to right, Col Tony Smit, Brig Gen John Bayne, Lt Gen Carlo Gagiano, front row Maj Dave Potgieter and Arthur Piercy.

Further, we were honoured to host Kobus and Ronelle Kapp. Kobus has been involved with the Museum for many years. He is a Graphic Artist and he designed our Spitfire Restoration Project logo. (See image below)